Short Pieces

  • Violence and Profit: Canada's Debts to the Girmitiyas of Fiji (2024)

    Forthcoming in BC History Magazine, Summer 2024.

  • Uncovering the Violent History of the Canadian Sugar Industry (2023)

    The Conversation. 16 March 2023.

    Republished by Salon.

    Republished by The Haiti Sun.

    Republished by Vancouver is Awesome.

    Republished by The Vancouver Sun.

  • Taking the ‘Discipline’ Out of History: Moving Beyond the Limits of Scholarly Writing With a Research Creation Assignment (2021)

    Published in three parts:

    1: Professionalization, Exclusion, and Scholarly Writing. Crossposted to Active History and the Canadian Historical Association. 19 January 2021.

    2: Beyond the Essay: A Research Creation Assignment. Crossposted to Active History and the Canadian Historical Association. 26 January 2021.

    3: Expanding Historical Communication Through Guided Experimentation. Crossposted to Active History and the Canadian Historical Association. 2 February 2021.

    Available in French:

    Sortir la « discipline » de l'histoire : dépasser les limites de l'écriture scientifique grâce à un exercice de création de recherche.

    I - La professionnalisation, l’exclusion, et l’écriture scientifique. Société historique du Canada. Publié le 19 Jan 2021.

    II - Au-delà de la dissertation : un exercice de création de recherche. Société historique du Canada. Publié le 26 Jan 2021.

    III - Développer la communication historique par l'expérience guidée. Société historique du Canada. Publié le 2 février 2021.

  • On the Bay’s 350th, let’s remember department stores’ contributions to colonialism and white supremacy (2020)

    Active History. 8 July 2020.

  • Food in a Time of Crisis (2020)

    Degrees Magazine. 30 June 2020.

  • What Canada knows about food crises can help prevent shortages and protect workers during coronavirus (2020)

    The Conversation. 11 May 2020.

    Republished by the University of Regina, 19 May 2020.

  • Will COVID-19 transform the Canadian consumer nation? Lessons from the past suggest 'no' (2020)

  • Going Shopping in Pandemic Times (2020)

    “Going Shopping in Pandemic Times.” University of Toronto Press Blog. 1 May 2020.

  • With Kiera Mitchell. Giving Credit: Gender and the Hidden Labour behind Academic Prestige (2019)

    With Kiera Mitchell. “Giving Credit: Gender and the Hidden Labour behind Academic Prestige.” London School of Economics Impact Blog, 18 September 2019.

    Republished as “Behind Every Successful Man,” London School of Economics Business Review, 21 September 2019.

    Republished by the World Economic Forum as “Women need to be recognised for their part in men’s academic prestige.” 24 September 2019.

  • With Andrea Eidinger. Who Are Canada’s Most ‘Historically Significant Women’? A Response to the Globe and Mail (2018)

    The Conversation, 16 November 2018.

    Republished in the National Post, 16 November 2018,

    Republished by the Gazette [Montreal], 16 November 2018.

    Republished by the University of Regina, 16 November 2018.